Oh dear, it's been months since my last post. Sorry about that. It's mainly because I'm really lazy and most of the time I don't know what I should write about. Well, actually I have some good topics in mind, but they require thorough research and I can't be bothered with delving into Islamic texts at the moment (God is such a terrible and boring writer.)
Anyway, let me get to the actual topic. You should find this pretty interesting. As you probably know, the YouTube search box offers you suggestions while you're typing your query. I have good reason to suspect that Google amends some of the data, which means they leave out certain words and sentences, most probably to avoid offending members of certain religious groups, who can't help but boil with fury and shake fists when they see their precious, religious feelings trampled. Fuck them! Yeah, and even those who show their indignation in a more civil manner, fuck them, too! Learn to put up with criticism and satire like grown-up persons. You bloody crybabies!
Alright, here are some screen shots I made on YouTube:

Of course, Allah is enough for you! When you have a serious illness, try sticking to that idea. Pray to Allah read the Qur'an, forget the doctor.
"Allah is Satan"? Haha, oh you wacky Christians!

I love how the first 6 lines characterize Christianity. They're dead on! They hit the nail on the head, and the hands and the feet so to speak!

Islam is what? Come on... Come oooon. Tell us! WTF? Here you go, YT's attempt to be sensitive to Muslim feelings. Well, at least you get nothing, instead of only positive statements.

Hahahaha, no objections there!

It used to, a lot. Though, (late term) abortion doctors seem to be the new witches nowadays.

Islam kills? No way! It's not killing, it's Allah's justice on earth, big difference! Seems like YouTube forgot to take out this one.

Okay, okay, Christ is risen and wants your braaaains. I get it.

Jesus is the love guru.

I fully agree. It means peace as long as you don't raise your head and shut the fuck up.

Islam, the religion that's good at asserting false things.

Judaism is cool, seriously? Crazy rules and circumvention techniques are not cool in my humble opinion.

Oh, so Judaism doesn't kill at the moment. What a relief, everywhere except in the Middle East I guess.

No, no, Muhammad was a prophet. The adjective "false" is unnecessary here. They all make their stuff up (consciously or not) and people are stupid enough to believe it.

What? Nonexistent?!

Oh, the shock! Come on, you got to be fucking kidding me, right? Hey, we're not fools or delusional. We're actually vile, evil, crazy and disgusting psychopaths who will, instead of robbing you and raping your women, do the most abominable thing imaginable: we will just not believe in your holy books. What an arrogant and haughty attitude, what a horrible thought! Well, fuck you!